Thursday 5 January 2012

The first term of the GCSE Media course in year 9 looks to have been a success given the responses from the students involved which I am pleased to publish below.

Year 9 GCSE Review

Monday 19 December 2011

WINTER 2011/12

After the first term of the new year, we have had an extremely busy time in the Media Department.

The AS class have begun preparations for their Foundation Portfolios having made their Preliminary Exercises and completed a number of research tasks in addition to extensive preparation for the exam in May 2012.

The Year 11 GCSE class have already completed the majority of filming for their final Assignment - a 120 sec trailer or opening sequences for a new movie, which forms 30% of their overall grade and the results look stunning. Next term will mean editing, sound post production and preparation for the exam in May which this year is focussed on TV Crime Drama.

The Year 10 GCSE class have begun their course with a very successful first Assignment on magazine front covers and are currently preparing for their second Assignment on advertising by entering a national competition to win an iPad each.

And finally the Year 9 Extra Curricula GCSE class not to be outdone have also mostly completed their first Assignment and are entering the same competition though in the younger category. The student's feedback on this new course is below.

Year 9 GCSE Review

Friday 8 July 2011


From September we will be running a New GCSE in Media Studies for year 9 students as an extra curricula course with a strong element of e-learning. This means that you will need to commit yourself to one and a half hours a week on a Wednesday afternoon and about another hour a week learning online or involved in media projects. The course will also involve you in some media workshops during the half terms for one or two days - though not every half term.

The benefit of doing this course now is that you will develop skills that you can use in other subjects, engage with the media which YOU are interested in, create your own media products from Magazine covers through to film trailers or music videos. You will also still have your three options choices untouched allowing you to choose all those other brilliant subjects that you might want to do.

It is a big commitment, but one which offers you some very real opportunities not least engaging in a challenging but fun extra curricula activity which will lead to a genuine GCSE qualification.

Students are invited to apply for the course now.

Friday 1 April 2011


For AS revision of the Film topic focussed on Institution and Audience please go to the AS Course blog and download the revision booklet.

GSCE Course Handbook

GCSE Support Handbook

Friday 7 January 2011


Lots to achieve and the main priorities are to ensure that:

GCSE Students complete Assignment 2 while at the same time learning about Action and Adventure Films. The potential to get a little confusing and quite busy. I will be minding the A&A while Claire and Emma deal with the Controlled Assessment on Advertising. A mock exam will be held for GCSE students at the end of term.

Also two students will have the chance to complete their work experience at a Post Production house in Soho, interviews will be in February.

We are also planning to set up things for the summer and begin a season of film screenings in the theatre which will cover some classic international movies. suggestion for the season are welcome.

AS students are completing their Production Portfolios and beginning work on TV drama, Emma and I will be sharing this. Most production are on track but there have been some issues with one group and a tight rein will be necessary this term to ensure that all complete at the highest level. A mock exam will be held for AS students at the end of term.

A2 students are finishing their CI essays and planning their Linked Productions - most are a little behind the curve so some work to do with them. In addition lots of practice with exam work is necessary.

The department is now better resourced and we have the chance to grow. So a big push with the Year 9 students to assist take up in year 10. I will be doing assemblies soon I imagine...

Friday 22 October 2010

Useful LINKS FOR teaching


You can create online tests easily and for free using their interface.